Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Number one. That is the battle cry of most athletic teams, corporations, people, and even churches.

I THINK my top priority is to serve God and maintain my Christian testimony. However if an auditor would audit my life, I don't think that he will have the same conclusion. I have not been serving God as I should, knowing that much has been commited to my trust. I have been educated in two Bible colleges, have a wide collection of books and a lot of Christian friends. I have a ton of Christian mp3s and a ton of reference materials inside my computer. The Lord has commited much to me, I think he expects more from me.

But what have I done lately? I have been preaching, but I haven't won anybody to Christ for the past several months... What a shame. What kind of salvation did I receive? Where did all my training go? Even my family is not on better ground.

So, back to priorities. Where are my priorities? What are they? Should I set newer goals?
Or should I attain my previous goals first.

I need to win some. At least once a week. Lord grant me this simple prayer.

Give me someone.

This is my top priority.