This Bible study, our topic is all about GROWTH.
As new Christians, we were likened to infants (1 Peter 2:2 As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:) who are highly dependent on milk - which figuratively stands for basic spiritual food -- the Word of God.
We have commited to read 1 Chapter from the Bible every day beginning with the book of John:
Use this website:
Just type in the reference: John 1:1, or select in the drop down menus on the upper left.
We have also commited to pray for at least 3 minutes each day.
We will be having separate studies about these topics but for now, these are what we need to grow consistently into stronger Christians.
God bless you on your growth!
For those who were not able to attend, the powerpoint slides are available at:
To our first time attenders: Glenn, Marinelle, Ebra, Liz and Myles - we enjoyed your presence & you are most welcome to this fellowship.
Today, Nelle and Abby accepted Christ as their Savior and Lord, congratulations and welcome to the family!