Monday, February 19, 2007

2 More Souls Accept Christ

Dina Alcantara and Meri Grace Magbiray accepts Christ as their Lord and Saviour today! Happy Birthday!

I have discussed to them the benefits of being a Christian. Try asking them to see if they still can remember!

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Today, Liz, JR and Rey C. had our Bible study at Starbucks. We talked about the changes that happen to a person who accepts Christ as their Saviour.

Changes in ways, in words, in works, and in will.

Read Mark 5

Once a person becomes a Christian, his Ways change.

He no longer practices his old ways. He may have retained some but is constantly under construction for becoming better.

Change in Words.

Not only does our ways change but our words become wholesome. What used to be a fountain of lies is now a fountain of blessing. We have new words! Words from the Bible! We should no longer be uttering gossip or lies or cursing. Let this be far named among us.

Change in Works

Good works should litter your way. Your life should be full of good work. We may be the only Bible that others are gonna read. Let them read your life as one that glorifies God, and not one that puts your Saviour to shame.

Change in Will

Our decisions should be controlled by HIS will and not our own will. Our will should be submerged entirely upon his own will.

These are not all that should change....

As the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 5:17, Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

We have the power in us to do this. The Holy Spirit himself enables us to change because he dwells in us.

May we find comfort in knowing that God hath begun a good work in us and will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ: (Phil. 1:6).


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Sunday, February 18, 2007

Fort Bible Study Batch 2

Our Bible study Batch 2 commenced last Wednesday morning with Leri, Mong and Job. These three people accepted Christ as their saviour and thus commenced a new life in the right path. What a Valentines day?!

(Feb 14, 2007)

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Monday, February 12, 2007

Bible Day!

We gave out free Bibles today, care of our beloved members at Pilgrim Bible Baptist Church.

Din, Joy, Rey, Anne, Ebra and Peachie enjoy their Bibles. They will read Psalms 119 through and answer the questions sent to them.

The Bible, God's word is trust worthy, free from error, and is necessary for spiritual growth. It is our guide in our Christian walk.

The Word of God
Bible Study on Baptism

This post was meant to be posted last Monday but I got busy and had to do it a week late.

Anyway, we learned a lot about Baptism this week. Today we met at the conference room and we had 1 new guest - April Cortuna. She had to resign though due to personal reasons so that will be our last meeting with her. She accepted the Lord already so I believe all she needs to do is find a church to serve and grow into.

Anne, Dina A, Joy, Nelle, and Glenn formed the core of this meeting.

The Bible study presentation is available on this site:
